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Male | 30s | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 21

EXTRACT: ..I leave him. I wander out into our temporary office. Phones on the floor and pizza boxes. Men working through the night to reconnect the planet, but your computer is working, and CNN and BBC are using the same footage, mobile phone pictures, the trucks, the flames and you. I post the Mission Statement for Mankind and I walk home,across the river - to my flat. The front door is open because I have lost my keys - but nobody is inside. I go to the fridge... Broccoli and fish.... Undress and lie on the bed, broccoli still my hand.


Male | 50s | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 45

EXTRACT: Lennon, Thatcher, Falklands and riots, punks and flowers. Burning flags and breathing sculptures. Guarded - by young - hip - young - art gallery attendants - all of them students on holiday - earning a bit of money by sitting this exhibition./ Pale skin, nose rings, fall down jeans. Sitting./ Reading - Hello Magazine. I say: "It doesn't matter."/ But it really fucking does. Piercings in their faces./ Looking at everything at anything - except - for Gilbert and George and me. They think they know us - they think they've seen us before./Beautiful faces - pierced with steel ...

Contains coarse language
Contains adult themes