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Melania Trump

Female | 40s | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 2

EXTRACT: Ever had one of those days you thought would never end? (giant, exaggerated groan) I’ve been up since five this morning. First the hair. Then the makeup. Then it’s Donald – head in the door. Doesn’t like the hair. Wants it down. Sexier that way. So the hair goes down. Then the earrings go on. Pendants. Donald’s head. In and out like a cuckoo. Says I look cheap. Hair goes back up again. Earrings back to studs. Darker lipstick. Put on the dress. Donald’s head. Can’t do pink – not since Jackie in Dallas. Why not? Bad karma.

Melania Trump

Female | 40s | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 28

EXTRACT: Love under Communism is considered a luxury item. Love makes you vulnerable. Vulnerability is a luxury. It requires trust. Under Communism, you can trust no-one. Try growing up in the steel-grey suburbs of a Communist state. See if you can detect even a whiff of hope in the air. And see if there’s any way you’d stay there if you were given half a chance to get out. I was given that chance. By virtue of my looks. And, of course, the collapse of the Soviet empire. And so I escaped. To Milan, to Paris, then on to America.