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Female | 30s | 3 to 5 minutes

EXTRACT: I like Lucy, I really do, but she makes me feel like I'm the kind of person who buys all their clothes at Katies. I've bought maybe two skirts and one top there in twenty years. And so what if I bought everything there? What would it matter? And why am I talking about Katies anyway...? [sighing, then composing herself]. Oh, I don't know... How can I explain a lifelong commitment to someone who doesn't want to understand? What could I say to her? That I look at John and I see my home?


Male | 30s | 3 to 5 minutes

EXTRACT: [Grasping at straws] Look, sex and love are separate things... Well they can be, that's all I'm saying. This thing with Naomi - okay, it should never have happened - but it didn't have to impact on what I have with Meg. I thought that was the deal. It was a separate arrangement. She told me she just wanted a bit of fun, and now she turns around and does THIS! I mean, where the hell did that come from? If I'd known Naomi felt like that I would've broken it off with her months ago - [A beat as he realises: Who is he kidding?] Well, maybe. Oh shit, maybe not. But I just - I just -

Contains coarse language
Contains adult themes


Gender unspecified | 30s | 3 to 5 minutes

EXTRACT: Go on, look at me like that if you want, but I'm just trying to be a good friend here. It's not like I'm "enjoying" this - it's not like I'm rubbing my hands together with glee, going 'Great, a chance to chuck Meg's heart in the blender!' Hardly...[pause]. I can think of a lot more fun ways to spend a day, believe me - but real friends "tell the truth". End of story. And it's all very well to hide behind niceness and lame excuses, but - oh look, maybe that's not fair. Stuff it, I don't care - Angela's another one who's got this whole wedding thing out of whack...[her frustration is tempered by amusement]. If you ask me - and I know you didn't - weddings suck.