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Female | 40s | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 11

EXTRACT: Motherfuckers! [Beat. At rapid speed] Those motherfuckers in their motherfucking suits! Those big fat motherfuckers in their Hugo Boss sitting on their fat butts in their boxer shorts with their pay cheques that come in every week thinking about the big fat beef ribs and mashed potato they're going to eat for dinner with a big fat fruity fucking shiraz and all the people they're going to fuck over tomorrow and all the people, all the dreamers, all the thinkers, all the darers, all the adventurers they're going to stymie and squash and humiliate and destroy..

Contains coarse language


Male | 40s | 3 to 5 minutes
Starts on page 18

EXTRACT: We just sat there, staring at the trunk of the tree and fog illuminated by the headlights and then I felt this sensation, this well, levity and I said: 'Imagine if they found the author of The Glamorous Gourmet sprawled dead in her car and strewn with Burger King wrappers?' And we laughed. The two of us in our big fancy car thinking we were somebodies, thinking we were somebodies with our books and our house and our espresso maker and our famous artist etchings - dead and bleeding and covered in styrofoam containers.


Female | 40s | 3 to 5 minutes
Starts on page 53

EXTRACT: That's why - well, you hear women - they complain about their husbands going to work saying: 'Well, work is such a cinch, such a cinch compared to this.' And that's because we know that our failures amount to something so much greater - There, in amongst The Bold and the Beautiful and the bunny-rugs, our motion adds up to the most bizarre and exquisite mystery, the mystery of human life. And some women - well - in the face of this - some women - simply go - mad. Mad. Yes.