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Gender unspecified | Teen | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 23

Intended for an Indigenous Australian performer

EXTRACT: Seeing my Dad's grave shook me up pretty bad. The next week went past in a blur. I was still having dreams, only now I kept seeing graveyards and headstones as well. I stuck the photo of Dad's grave in my assignment. And I tried Googling his name, but it just came up blank. Then came Friday - Cultural Day./ It was the usual sort of stuff. Songs, dances, food. Casey won the best Dreamtime Story - well, she would, wouldn't she?


Female | 30s | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 35

EXTRACT: I guess that's when I learnt to keep secrets. Then I fell pregnant. I kept that secret too for as long as I could. But then, well, all hell broke loose. Nanna Kay cut me off, threw me out of the house. She'd cross the street if she saw me. We had no money. Your Dad was studying - he wanted to be a lawyer - and I was still at school. So his family took me in. When you came along, they showed me what to do, how to look after you. It was a good time.


Gender unspecified | Teen | Under 3 minutes
Starts on page 42

Intended for an Indigenous Australian performer

EXTRACT: Nanna Kay wanted us to go to this re-enactment of the First Fleet, but Granddad's side see it as Invasion Day and they wanted to celebrate the survival of their people. If I went with Nanna Kay, Granddad's side would get angry, but if I went to Granddad's side, Nanna Kay would get upset. I couldn't please anyone! I felt like a jigsaw piece that hasn't found a place to fit yet. In the end, though, Mum said I didn't have to choose sides, and me and her went and saw a movie instead.